Lisbon, Creative Commons License Attribution 2.0
Lisbon Training Workshop on Quantum Technologies in Space, 11-14 September, 2017

Financial Support

The conference is organised by and benefits from the funding of the COST CA15220 network “Quantum Technologies in Space”. This funding will be used to reimburse part of the expenses related to the conference organisation, to reimburse the travel and stay of the trainers and invited speakers at the event, and it will provide financial support for a limited number of trainees participating in the pedagogical training in the morning sessions.

Reimbursement Rules

In principle, everyone from COST partner institutions will be eligible for reimbursement, but because funding is limited, priority will be given to trainers/speakers at the school/workshop, and there will be trainee support for 30 trainees.

To receive reimbursement or trainee support, you must have to have an e-COST account  and you must be registered on the action website, where you must tick a checkbox to say you participate in the Lisbon meeting.

Overview of the reimbursement rules:

  • lump sum of 320 Euro of trainee support
  • max. 400 Euro reimbursement for flights
  • 80 Euro per night for accommodation
  • 20 Euro per lunch/dinner
  • 25 Euro for local transport

Please note that you can apply either for trainee support or for full reimbursement - not for both. The advantage of trainee support is that you will have good chances of receiving it, but it probably will not cover all your costs. Trainee support is available for 30 trainees. Remaining funding will be limited and will be awarded competitively, based on the strength of the submitted poster abstract. For these reasons, please let us know if you will be able to cover your own expenses.


We thank COST, the European Network in Science and Technology, and the COST action CA15220 Quantum Technologies in Space (QTSpace) for funding this workshop and making it possible. The funding is used to support trainees participating in the training workshop, for reimbursing the trainers as well as for reimbursing speakers and participants in the scientific workshop in the afternoons.

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We would like to thank to include the Lisbon Training Workshop in their event calendar.

The local organizers would like to thank the following programmes and institutes for their support:


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